Probably the best movie of all time

I'm exhausted so the handwriting is totally bad. Click to enlarge and increase readability..


Anonymous said...

You covered it EXACTLY! You should do movie recaps . . . like your own MAD magazine


Anonymous said...

It's also one of my favorite bad movies of all time! I just can't stop watching Pierce and his sexy science! (by the way, my newest favorite word that I got from a bad romantic comedy is "soulmatey". Yep, it's an adjective.)

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Core. Sexy science in that one is provided by Aaron Eckhart, while the role of Linda Hamilton is played by Hillary Swank.

When they set at orange on FIRE using ROOM SPRAY and declare that it is a metaphor for the EARTH... yes!

i wish i had a penguin friend said...

The Core is another classic! I love watching it every Thanksgiving. It's tradition!

Less sexy science: Day After Tomorrow. But plenty of cliches!

Anonymous said...

hey morgan, this is great. much better than actually having to watch the movie. what about armageddon? I actually kinda liked the movie when i saw it. then i said wtf that friggin republican bruce willis saves the world by using nuclear power to blow up a meteor. that's GE propaganda bunk. but steve buscemi was good for a guy who just had to pay the bills on trees lounge.

Anonymous said...

Genius. You make me want to watch it again, Morgan.